
Kids on Bikes RPG - Strange Adventures in Small Towns

Created by Infectious Play (Jon Gilmour)

Choose your OWN destiny in this storytelling rules-light tabletop role-playing game where adventure is a bike ride away!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

All Current Goals Unlocked - More New Stretch Goals!
about 7 years ago – Mon, Nov 13, 2017 at 11:54:44 AM

Upsidedown and Turned Around (In A Good Way)

Thanks so much to all our amazing backers, so far we have managed to unlock all 10 of the Modules we had up for Stretch Goals.  This means a lot of insanely talented folks from the gaming community will be bringing their talents to the game, making it even better!  It also means that we need to start working up some more new Stretch Goals for us all to work towards, so lets chat about that for a moment (this is all happening so fast, we'll get the slick graphics for these soon).

$25k - Variant Cover for Deluxe Edition

$35k - Short Comic by Jim Zub at the beginning of the Deluxe Edition

$36k - Additional Art added to the Book

$37k - More additional Art added to the Book

Another Day Down - New Stretch Goals Added!
about 7 years ago – Thu, Nov 09, 2017 at 03:46:08 PM

First Batch Down, Time For More

Hey there gang, and welcome to the end of our second day of the Campaign.  Since we initially launched you guys have been schooling it, and we managed to unlock all of our initial Stretch Goals bringing us 7 Modules by amazingly talented folks from the industry!  Of course, since we've gone and unlocked all of these folks, we needed to get some more Stretch Goals in place for us to try and achieve.  With that in mind we have now placed in an additional 3 Stretch Goals which will bring our Module count up to 10, each one by a different veteran of the gaming community.

With that said, lets all give a very warm welcome to our latest unlocks all from today - Epidiah Ravachol (Dread, Worlds Without Masters, Swords Without Masters) who will be bringing us a Module entitled "What Lurks Beyond Southwood Drive", Ross Watson (Torg: Eternity, Savage RIfts, Warhammer 40000 RPG) with a Module he has called "The Culling in Cheyenne", and finally Matthew Colville (Critical Role Origins, Evolve, Dune CCG) bringing in a Module going by "Strange Things at Circle Q"!  We can't begin to express how happy we are to bring these fine folks on board, and we're eager to see what it is they will be cooking up for us.

Now, lets talk about the latest folks added to the mix.  First up we have Jim Zub (Avengers: No Surrender, Glitterbomb: The Fame Game, Wayward) who will be putting his extensive talents into a Module that is still presently unnamed, but we are stoked what he will whip up for us.  Next we have Sen-Foong Lim (Belfort, Junk Art, The Legend of Korra: Pro Bending Arena) and his Module by the name of "Welcome to Stahlsburg" which should be an interesting one that we'd love to include.  And last, but certainly not least, Amanda Hamon Kunz (Starfinder, Deep Magic, Pathfinder) who also doesn't have a name for her Module just yet but we're positive it will be amazing like the rest of her work.

That is a whole lot of amazing talent coming together to provide you with one amazing game!  We've also got a few more tricks up our sleeves, so if we manage to work through these folks we'll toss out some more great stuff to try and work for.  For now, though, we would simply like to thank you all once again for your support and helping to spread the word to gamers around the globe.  Lets see where the path will ultimately take us together!

The Sun Has Set on Day 1 - What A Day!
about 7 years ago – Wed, Nov 08, 2017 at 05:01:47 AM

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood!  

Well gang, we’ve made it through the first day of the Campaign, and what a day it has been! You’ve knocked it right out of the park. We’ve made a lot of progress already so we’ll get right to it.  

Where Are We Now?  

Since setting out on our adventure we’ve had nothing but good luck. As we mentioned in our first update earlier in the day, we not only managed to reach our funding goal within mere hours of launching, but we also unlocked the first of our Stretch Goal Modules that will be developed by Scott Woodard. We’re very excited to have Scott on board, and look forward to seeing what he has in store with his module titled “Between the Cracks” thanks to your support.  

But we didn’t stop there. Since our last update the gang has managed to level up a couple more times, surpassing our next 3 Stretch Goals! So, what exactly does that mean? Well, we’re gonna run down all the details for you here so settle in for just a little bit.  

First up we’ve now unlock a Module from Elisa Teague, and with a title like “Double Trouble at Skateland” you know this one is going to be a rollin’ good time. You’re no doubt at least familiar with Elisa’s work as she has worked on amazing titles such as Apocrypha and Betrayal at House on the Hill: Widows Walk just to name a few. We’re honored to bring her into the fold to help make Kids on Bikes even better!  

Next up we have Kevin Kulp who will be bringing his considerable talents to the game with a Module entitled “Talkeetna of Troubles” that sounds intriguing right off the bat. Kevin is known for his works such as Time Watch, Owl Hoot Trail, and more. With decades of experience in gaming we can hardly wait to get a look at the finished product (and we’re sure you are too).  

That brings us finally to Banana Chan and her Module called “Dads on Mowers” which oozes with a whimsical cheekiness that we can’t help but immediately love. You may know her from being the Co-Founder of Game and a Curry, or maybe even from some of her released works such as They’re Onto Me and Grimasques. This promises to be a fun Module and we’re super happy to have this unlocked so early on.  

So that is 4 down already with another 3 to go still! Of course this means you can also expect to be hearing about some additional Stretch Goals pretty soon (especially at our present rate). So get on those tin can telephones to get the word out to all your mates, and we’ll have the rest of those Modules in the bag in no time.  

To conclude for the day, we really want to let you all know just how much we appreciate all the kind words you have given us in the comments, and all of the support you have shown us in just a mere 24 hours (actually less than that - you guys really are awesome)! It has been humbling and we really can’t begin to thank you enough.